To celebrate International Women’s Day, we sat down with the women in our senior leadership team, covering different functions and specialisms, to share their insights and experiences. Meet:
Araminta Russell, Chief Delivery Officer
Becci Freeman, Chief of Staff
Michelle Stewart, Finance Director
Mariam Ogunbambi, Chief Client Officer
Who inspired your career and why?
Mariam: “There isn’t just one person who has inspired my career to date. If I look back at my younger self just starting out, I never would have thought that I would be working in the finance and banking sector, but I knew that I always wanted to work in technology and be part of something that was disruptive. So far I have been lucky enough to have had a great support system. From watching my parents’ drive and determination to succeed, which they instilled in me, to having amazing, senior executive sponsors and advocates at Starling; they have all inspired me and contributed to where I am today.”
Becci: “Belinda Hogan, my first London boss back in 2010. She was a Swiss Army Knife of knowledge and got stuck into everything, there wasn't a topic she couldn't add value to. She stood up for her team publicly and dealt with issues swiftly and privately. I think I was very lucky to have this role model early on in my career. She also used to bring me the odd pastry, so that probably helped her get the name drop. I think of her often.”
Michelle: “For me, it’s not just one person, but rather all those who came before me. From the manager who always fought for my corner and made sure I knew my worth, to the senior leader who took me under her wing and showed me what it could look like and what it means to be a woman in a position of authority. Beyond those I’ve worked with, I’ve found that the wider network of people who have “been there and done that” to be even more inspiring when navigating career changes. It never ceases to amaze me how willing people are to share their experiences and to lend a helping hand.”
Could you point to a pivotal turning point or milestone in your career? Why was it important?
Becci: "I resisted a move from Service Operations to Sales for a long time because all sales reps are awful, right? Turns out I was wrong and in hindsight I was just worried I'd be terrible at it. Shifting to Sales was a bold career move that allowed me to fully understand the business I was working in from all angles. Being an experienced generalist at a relatively young age meant that I could step into the General Manager’s shoes when she fell ill, running the business while the Head Office sorted permanent cover. Going backwards is more than okay and can be beneficial. Similarly, making things more challenging when you’re feeling too comfortable can lead to growth; sometimes leaving your comfort zone is necessary to pursue new opportunities.”
Araminta: "When surrounded by such a talented group of technologists at Starling, it’s easy to feel like you’re the least knowledgeable person in the room. However, my mindset changed when meeting external vendors and clients who made me realise how much I do know about tech. We take it for granted sometimes because we’re such a technology centric company. A friend taught me to keep a note of candid praise from managers or colleagues, and now it’s something I recommend to others. It’s reassuring to have something to remind you how capable you are, for those moments of self-doubt.”
Michelle: "When I started my first full-time job straight after graduation, I was by far the youngest and least experienced member of the team. I felt small and overwhelmed, and I looked it too! The turning point came a year or so in, when I took on a pretty big project and I realised that I actually knew more than I gave myself credit for, and people were in fact looking to me for answers. This, alongside a no-nonsense yet highly supportive manager, helped me recognise that I’m a fast learner who’s good at her job and that I needed to be kinder to myself. I was reassured of my ability to learn new things and to figure things out along the way. I make sure to remind myself about it periodically and it has helped me to not be afraid to stretch, take a leap, and face new challenges with curiosity, uninhibited and unfazed.”
If you could have dinner with one inspirational woman, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Becci: “Mary Seacole. She’s always the first to pop into my head when historic women come into the question, and I think she’s still not talked about enough. She self-funded to work as a nurse during the Crimean War after being told “no”, battling societal issues surrounding her gender and race, and in doing so she had such a monumental impact on British nursing and gender equality. She’s quoted as saying “Unless I am allowed to tell the story of my life in my own way, I cannot tell it at all”, and so a chance to sit down with her would be something not to pass up.”
Michelle: "The iconic Ruth Bader Ginsburg! As we celebrate International Women’s Day, it’s only fitting to pay tribute to this pioneering champion of gender equality. I really admire her approach to her work and in life to “fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you”. What really speaks to me is her openness about her own struggles, her tenacity to fight for what she believes in, and her unflappable, tireless curiosity. To me, she personifies vision, resilience and grace - paving the way, against huge odds, for so many that have come after her. And showing us all how you can disagree, yet still build meaningful relationships that are founded on mutual respect and appreciation. There is so much to learn from this amazing woman, one dinner may not be enough!"
Mariam: “I would love to have dinner with Michelle Obama; one of my favourite quotes is from her where she says, “You can’t afford to wait for the world to be equal to start feeling seen”. Her journey epitomises that quote and she is a trailblazer. The quote has really resonated with me as a black woman in the Finance, and especially, the Technology space.”
What would be your advice to women aspiring to be in leadership positions?
Say yes to opportunities: Joining Starling as it launched to market in 2017, I said ‘yes’ to all new avenues, without having a linear career path in mind.
Worry less about others and focus on doing a great job: this has always been my approach and still is. If you have a good manager they’ll recognise this. This breadth of experience and learning has set me up well, particularly in the early days of establishing Engine as a new business.
Work hard to find and retain the people and relationships that will support you: you’re going to need it.
Do not live in an echo chamber: it’s not how you learn and it’s not leadership.
Do something you enjoy, be curious, be decisive and take the leap! If it feels too comfortable, sometimes it's worth making things a bit more difficult for yourself! And when you do "make it", be the kind of person who puts the ladder down behind them, not the one who sets it alight.
Never compromise on your values: the decisions you have to make will become harder and have a greater impact. So to build trust, respect and credibility, it’s important to know your core values, hold firm to them, and make every decision based on them, with integrity, empathy, and willingness to practice what you preach.
Don’t shy away from the hard stuff: instead, think of them as opportunities rather than challenges, and don’t be afraid to fail on these either. It’s hard stuff after all, some stumbles are to be expected. Use the opportunity to show your maturity and readiness for leadership.
Be authentic, lean into your strengths, and let them form part of your unique leadership style: rather than fixating on what other people think, own it, embrace it and use it to your advantage. Focus on developing your own strengths and becoming the go-to person in an area where you have a natural unfair edge.
We all have a super power: even if it feels mundane or unimportant; find yours, nurture it and use it. You would be surprised how useful your super power can be in your leadership journey.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or fail: sometimes personal barriers can prevent us from taking on new opportunities or challenges, but have an open mind, trust in your abilities and ask for help when you need it.
Be intentional about your own self development: and always strive to be the best version of yourself. Don’t expect things to be handed to you, and find your tribe, whether that’s from informal or formal mentors, sponsors or just colleagues you respect and trust.
We're committed to diversity and representation of different experiences and talents at Engine, and, along with our partners, we’re working to break barriers and support women on their career journeys. You can find out more about our available opportunities here.